DATA INSURANCE Powered by Asigra® Learn moreYour business data is one of the most valuable assets your company owns.Our data insurance service leverages your cloud backup to reduce the risk associated with losing your critical business data, whatever the cause.Get an instant pricing quote for insuring your data or learn more below.DATA INSURANCEYOUR DATA IS AN ASSETData is a valuable business asset which is critical to your revenue and survival but is also exposed to risks.Unlike traditional assets such as buildings and equipment, data is both very difficult to replace and until now has been difficult to insure. In addition effective data management and risk mitigation is required under GDPR regulations.DATA INSURANCEYOUR DATA IS AT RISKYour data is exposed to a wide variety of risks including:Accidental or malicious employee data deletionSystems failure makes your data unavailableHackers or malware destroy or hold your data to ransomAsk yourself if any of the above could threaten the survival of your business.DATA INSURANCEREDUCE THE RISK OF DATA LOSSThe good news is we've made it easy to to reduce the risk of data loss with our data insurance service.First, we'll help you identify and value your business critical data.Next, we'll ensure your critical data is certified safe through our secure cloud backup. Finally, together with leading insurers, we'll provide insurance cover for your critical data assets.DATA INSURANCEYOUR CRITICAL DATA IS COVEREDIf you are unfortunate enough to lose your critical data for any reason the claims process will trigger recovery.Should we fail to return all or part of the data it will result in a payment proportionate to the indemnity value of the lost data.Get an instant pricing quote for insuring against loss of your critical data today.